Our Vision

To maximise the potential of Belbin Team Roles as a simple and practical tool for understanding how teamwork improves business and personal performance, throughout the island of Ireland and in the practice of systemic team coaching

How did the concept originate?

Roles no borderThe concept was derived from a study of successful and unsuccessful teams competing in Business Games at Henley Management College, England. Managers taking part in the exercise were given a battery of psychometric tests and put into teams of varying composition. As time progressed different clusters of behaviour were identified as underlying the success of the teams. These successful clusters of behaviour were then given names. Hence the emergence of the Nine Team Roles:

  • Action oriented Roles-: Shaper, Implementer, Completer Finisher
  • People oriented Roles-Co-ordinator, Team Worker, Resource Investigator
  • Thinking Roles- Monitor Evaluator, Plant, Specialist


Core Principles

  1. We will support and develop professional Belbin practitioners from the coaching, consulting, HR, training and project management community (including those who are qualified in LEAN, Six Sigma, Prince and MSP methodologies), so they can maximise their deployment of Belbin to service projects and clients. Our goal is to have 100 active professional practitioners recommending Belbin, in Ireland within 1 year. We call this the Belbin Professional Practitioners programme.
  2. We will develop an alumnus programme for all existing profiled customers to enable them to use of the potential of the service.
  3. All Belbin Ireland staff will be trained in Belbin and will be thoroughly familiar with same.
  4. Each Belbin Ireland programme will have a contact point either over the phone, but also if appropriate, a team member who meets them at least once a year.
  5. We will explore an Annual Forum for Belbin Ireland Accredited, Alumni, Clients and Staff.

Any Queries? Contact us +353 091 638 769