Individual BELBIN Team Role Profile (SPI)

BELBIN® Self Perception Inventory (SPI) shows how an individual feels and how an individual behaves in a team:

  • 4 page report - Self-Perception Team-Role Profile, Counselling Report, Character Profile, Personal Work Style

Can be used by individuals or by consultants, trainers, facilitators and team leaders.
Suitable for individual or multiple reports and provides access to the full range of personal, team and job reports.

Internet Online-Facility only.

Price: €49 + VAT.


Pricing Options

€200 per hour assessment and feedback session face to face

€180 per hour online via Skype



For Profiles and Lives.

Belbin Profiles in Ireland are cheaper from official supplier than any other source, so why pay more.?

For orders of 25 profiles or more, discounts apply, please contact us.


Terms of payment

The terms are payment on purchase,  Paypal online or via phone/credit card .  Once these payments are cleared, the lives will be issued.

If you wish to be invoiced, an administration charge of 5% will apply on all orders, and payment must be made within 30 days.

For ease of use click below to access Paypal

Any Queries? Contact us +353 091 638 769


Price: €60.27

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